Saturday, March 16, 2019

Top 10 Alternate Versions Of Cyborg

Teen titan and justice league member cyborg has been around since 1980 and has gone through a lot of changes over the years. And he has as many different timeline versions of himself out there as he has alterations in just main continuity itself. So let's take a look at the top 10 alt versions of cyborg.

10. CYBORG 2.0

Mister 2.0 is from the titans tomorrow storyline, a storyline that features a 10 year future possibility of the titans. Here he is the co-leader of the titans east with Bumblebee. And their mission is to form a resistance and put a stop to the villainous titans west, who are the members of the original titans that took a turn for the 


No, he was not the murder machine here, but this version was an important player in Batman: The murder Machine. Batman had called upon his friend Cyborg to help assemble the Alfred protocol, a robotic version of his beloved butler. However, things went wayward when the AI gained a life of its own, merged with Batman, and began a killing spree. Cyborg was the last of the justice league standing, and sadly after a valiant effort, he wasn't standing for long.


We were briefly introduced to the extended universe cyborg in Batman vs Superman, and then we got a better feel for his character in the Justice League movie. He is played by Ray Fisher, who was quite the stage performer before he landed the role. There were rumors about a 2020 Cyborg solo film but that project seems suspiciously silent, so we are not holding our breath any time soon. There is always a chance right?


This version made an appearance in Elseworld's Superman and Batman, generations II. He played a role in fending off Metallo, the who was a robotic version of Lex lutho in this timeline. But that is not to say he played the role successfully. In a kind of funny but also quite alarming sequence, he is dismembered by the flash in order to save him from MetalloÕs electromagnetic pulse attacks. I mean, that is one way to do it. 


 She may not exactly be an alternate version of victor Stone himself, but she has a good look at what we get with a gender swapped Cyborg. Letonya Charles was a drug addict who destroyed her own body with the drug, but was given a second wind when her aunt fitted her with machine partsÑsounds familiar right? However, this led to her becoming a super villain, using her new powers to take advantage of others. She even came head to head with Victor at one point, and met her defeat at his hands. They always say it takes one to know one.


 In the injustice comics, Cyborg is Superman's trusty and annoying confidante. He serves to keep an eye on the goings-ons and alrt Supes to whenever there is an event that disturbs his artificial peace. This of course is widely unpopular with many of the other heroes, and his devotion gets his metallic face bashed in quite a few times. Guess nobody told him that snitches get stitches.


Victor Stone from the teen titans tv series may not have been the most popular character, but he was perhaps one of the most developed. Because he was disgusted by the robotic parts his parents had attached to him, he ran away from home and was on the street for quite some time. Then he fund solace with the teen titans, who were all every bit as weird as he was. But unable to eat as much as he can here.


 Yes, Aquaborg, what a fun name! In case you didn't know, and I am pretty sure you did, this is a combo character of Aqualad and Cyborg. Can you even put a cyborg in water? Anyway, this version, named Arthur Stone, belongs in the Superman/Batman mash up comic. He is a member of the justice titans, and was called upon to help take down an unwelcome Superman and Batman. Then they became friends instead, because friendship is magic!


Which is another way of saying cyborg, look at that! Robotman is pulled from the pages of the kingdom come universe. Here he has coated himself in a liquid metal that moulded to his body and, despite being entirely composed of metal, made him feel more human than he had in a long while. He joined forces with Superman's justice league to take on any rogue metahumans, but then casually meets his fate in the form of a nuclear blast. I mean, these things happen.


In the timeline of Flashpoint, Cyborg is America's darilng hero, much like Superman in the main continuity. He wants to assemble a team that can help put a stop to the war between Aquaman and Wonderwoman, but is faced with rejection because Batman doesn't want to do it; so why would everyone else of course. Because why would anyone use their own heads, free will is for losers. They do eventually team up, but on Batman's terms. Sounds like somebody is jealous that they are not America's sweetheart. 

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