Saturday, March 16, 2019

Top 10 Avengers 4 Fan Theories - Part 2

There’s a whole lot of speculation going on as to how Thanos’ reign of terror will be put to an end, and what larger ramifications it will have for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everyone has an opinion, and some fans have crafted some really stellar and potentially plausible theories that have us dying for next year to roll around soon. So with that in mind, let’s jump into our list of the top 10 Avengers 4 fan theories part 2. Also, major spoiler warnings.


While this theory isn’t as integral to the Avengers 4 film as it is the entire MCU, it’s something that people believe we’ll see the ground work for emerge in the highly anticipated film. The merger between Disney and 21st Century Fox has had many wondering how some previously Fox owned characters will be integrated into the MCU, with many believing that Deadpool and the X-Force will remain as is, but that the X-Men and Fantastic Four will get reboots. Well, Fantastic Four will definitely get a reboot, no question about it. Those movies are hot garbage, people. Anywho, one theory suggests that mutants will be introduced in Avengers 4 when half of all living things are brought back after the snap. This triggers latent mutant genes that many people didn’t realize they had. Professor X, Magneto and perhaps Wolverine already exist, and with this triggering of mutant powers, they all have roles to play in how the mutants emerge out into humanity. But, there’s already one mutant who has been depicted up on the big screen in the MCU; that’s Scarlet Witch. She’s an essential part of the comics when it comes to mutants, and many believe this merger will lead to her being rebranded into a mutant character, especially since she already has the public fearing her thanks to the events of Captain America Civil War. Having mutants appear on Earth after Avengers 4 would create a whole lot of fear, which creates the social rift between humans and mutants, and Scarlet Witch ends up siding with the mutants, with most of the characters from the original Avengers either being dead or no longer on Earth, or perhaps retired. If Cap dies, she doesn’t really have anyone from the Avengers to ground her, assuming that Vision remains dead, too. This could potentially lead to the House of M, and exploring the instability of Wanda’s powers, which would be the natural progression of her character anyway.


 Agent Coulson may not be in the MCU films these days, he’s been making waves over on Agents of SHIELD. At the end of the fifth season, Coulson was all ready to live the rest of his life out in Tahiti alongside May. But, now that half the world has been dusted, there’s a pretty good chance that he may reappear, being the one who steps in for Fury in his absence, with Coulson being kept alive thanks to the likes of Shuri or Tony Stark, perhaps. While it’s not the most groundbreaking theory on this list, it would surely have some fans pretty jazzed seeing Coulson rub shoulders with the Avengers one more time.


 Loki’s death in Infinity War has been highly debated. Is he actually dead? Or is this all an illusion? Is he secretly working with Thanos, or does he have his own agenda? And is that agenda a sinister one, or has he truly changed his ways? So many questions. But, if we’re going with the whole ‘his death was an illusion’ route, there’s a few valid points that fans have noted that raise some suspicion. For starters, Loki isn’t that dumb; the way in which he approaches Thanos to try to trick him isn’t in character. That is seemingly a terrible plan. Loki knows better. Second, some fans noted that he used his left arm to attack Thanos rather than his right; his right arm is what he uses in all of the other films. Third, his last words to Thor seem to suggest that this is not the end. Some think it is foreshadowing, with him telling Thor where to come find him. And lastly, this isn’t Loki’s first faking-his-death rodeo. He did it in Thor The Dark World, and managed to get away with it for years, pretending to be Odin. So a trick like that is definitely in his reel house, and would keep him off of Thanos’ radar.


 Seeing T’Challa get dusted at the end of Infinity War was pretty surprising. He wasn’t really one of the characters that many a fan believed would meet his demise in the film. But, now that he’s gone, one fan theory is that his sister Shuri will take up the throne in his absence. While Shuri’s fate was not revealed at the end of the movie, it seems very likely that she’s still alive. In the comics, Shuri has taken up the Black Panther mantle before, and did a pretty good job with it. She’s also AWESOME. There’s a belief that T’Challa in his sequel film will have lost the mantle of Black Panther, with Wakanda being a much different place than the one he grew up with after the events of Infinity War, especially if there is a time jump between the two Avengers films as some people expect. With Shuri as Queen and Black Panther, having ruled for a duration of years, T’Challa would have a claim to the throne, but may see how well his sister has been doing and feel lost with his place in the world once returning.


One of the other theories surrounding Loki’s survival is that he’s actually Bruce Banner in disguise. In Infinity War, when Thanos fights the Hulk, he ends up going down, but Heimdall uses his last bit of energy to transport the green monster to Earth to warn humanity. Some people think that perhaps Loki decided to transform himself into the Hulk, and had taken over Bruce’s identity, hence why Bruce can’t transform into the Hulk. It’s a theory that has a lot of holes, and would probably piss off a lot of fans if it turned out to be true, but it’s interesting nonetheless.


 In the comics, Thanos’s self-doubt has often been his undoing. Despite being omnipotent, he’s his own worst enemy, and sets himself up to fail. There’s a few theories kicking around that explore this idea; that Thanos will be the sole reason as to how Thanos is defeated. But in the comics, the sole reason for why Thanos does what he does with the Infinity Gauntlet and the stones is because of his desire to make himself worthy of Mistress Death’s love. He continues to push further and further to impress her but never does. That aspect of his character isn’t in the MCU, at least not right now, but Thanos has been shown to love someone; his adoptive daughter, Gamora. This has led some fans to theorize that Thanos will reverse everything himself to bring Gamora back. Seems a little anti-climatic, and kind of crappy for the Avengers, but hey, it may somehow play into the overall plot of the film.


One theory suggests that in order to defeat Thanos and his omnipotent power, the Avengers will need to build their own Infinity Gauntlet, all by using the quantum realm to travel back through time and space and collect the stones themselves. One user on 4chan claims to know the plot to Avengers 4 and posted a ‘leak’, so warning; if this leak is true, we’re about to ruin the plot of Avengers 4 for you. But realistically, it probably won’t. You’ve been warned though. So, according to this anonymous user, the Avengers recruit Ant-Man to help them use the Quantum Realm and build their gauntlet, with the film focusing quite heavily on Tony and Steve’s relationship. Thanos finds out about their plan, and Cap and Thor fight him. Cap picks up Mjolnir, which is now restored, and he fights Thanos, sacrificing himself while the others escape. Thor’s sub plot is all about building an army to take Thanos on, which is how Captain Marvel ends up in the mix after getting Fury’s distress signal. Bruce Banner’s sub plot has him merging with the Hulk, becoming Professor Hulk. And, apparently, there’s a pivotal scene in which Doctor Strange comes face to face with a fully CGI character which was shot on a secret location with a skeleton crew ; a scene that ate up a ton of their budget.


Whose that entirely CGI character? The Living Tribunal. We mentioned this in our last theory list; that Doctor Strange would encounter the living tribunal and the celestials who all come together to discuss the fate of the universe, in a similar fashion as to what happened with Adam Warlock during the Infinity Gauntlet comic in 1991, and also in the aftermath of Thanos’ defeat. The Living Tribunal is a character that’s a cosmic entity that oversees and maintains the balance within the realities that make up the Marvel Cosmic universe. His very first appearance was an encounter with Doctor Strange; in a story line called The Stands of Death which took place in Strange Tales issue 157 to 163 back in 1967, in which Strange must convince the Living Tribunal to not destroy Earth after it announces its intent to do so since the Earth has so much potential for evil. Strange, after going through a series of trials to convince him that good also exists, manages to change his mind. These trials are what will keep Dr Strange preoccupied during the film, but it will also have him crossing paths with the likes of many of the other characters in the MCU, including the ones who have been dusted, ensuring that all of the cast will be in the film beyond just appearing at the end once they’ve been undusted.


 Considering Chris Evans has stated that he’s retiring from acting, with Captain America being his final role, fans have speculated that Avengers 4, which is the last movie in his contract, will depict Steve Rogers’ death. Theories have been floating around for a while as to how it may happen, but the most heart breaking of them all is that he’ll sacrifice himself to help Tony defeat Thanos. For starters, they have the ultimate complex bromance. Civil War made an major impact on their relationship, and the two didn’t even speak during Infinity War, with Tony deciding not to call him. Surely the two will reconnect in Avengers 4, with all of the original Avengers being undusted (assuming that our pal Clint Barton is still kicking around). Some people think that Tony will have to use the Gauntlet or the stones against Thanos in order to win, and that in order to obtain the Soul Stone, he’ll have to sacrifice someone he loves. Pepper isn’t an option, and Steve, who has never really felt like he fit in well with this time, would step up; his heroic nature would demand it. And Tony, knowing what’s at stake, despite being utterly destroyed by it, would go along with it.


In a theory from redditor meme_abstinent, we get a pretty solid speculation as to where Captain Marvel has been hiding over the past twenty years. For context, as you probably already know, Captain Marvel’s upcoming feature film is set in the 90s. Which is neat, but raises some major questions; how come she hasn’t been present in the MCU for the past ten years? And how come Nick Fury hasn’t reached out to her before? The post credit scene of Infinity War depicted Fury sending out a distress call via some pretty hip space beeper that then revealed the Captain Marvel logo. We know that Fury will be present in the Captain Marvel film, so he clearly has a past connection to her. The theory speculates that by the end of Captain Marvel’s film, Earth has been infiltrated by Skrulls, and Carol has been sent on a mission by Fury to travel through time via the Quantum Realm and eliminate all of the imposters; not just from Earth, but all over the galaxy. It’s been revealed that the Captain Marvel film will focus on the character being caught between the Kree and Skrull war, so it kind of adds up. They go on to suggest that perhaps Fury believed that the snapping in Infinity War was actually due to the Skrulls, since not everyone was dusted; both he and Maria Hill, who he would know are not Skrulls, were in the process of being dusted when he sent out that distress call. The reason he didn’t call her previously was because she has a whole universe to protect rather than just Earth. While it may seem that Fury wouldn’t be mistaken as to the reason behind why the snap happened, it’s also plausible that he believes contacting Captain Marvel, who is protecting the galaxy rather than just earth as we mentioned, would be the only way to reverse the events of what have happened, since she’s an expert time traveler and has the chops to go up against Thanos sans Infinity Gauntlet.

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