Saturday, March 16, 2019

English Article Love Demands Nothing In Return For College Magazine


It was 7:20 pm; when she was weeping and howling with her head lying on her knees; her hair tangled like a spider's web tons of dust topped over the surroundings; her pale yellow face was exposed out of dusty locks of hair. Her body was hardly covered with tattered clothes like threads hanging on an old tree near a forgotten shrine; whereas small circumference diamond drops were sparkling in her eyes. In a hushed room enveloped by blackness and obscurity, she appeared like a sobbing statue in an old museum.

Someone knocked on the door; the knock was so affable that it seemed the door itself was saying:- “Darling! Let me be opened”. Her broken asthmatic breath stabilized. She got up, moved towards the door and opened it without hesitation. A grey, mature, fragile but a skillful man with enlightened eyes was standing in front of her. She asked a question “Who are you?” but instead of replying her he entered into her house without allowance. She again repeated her question. This time he remained quiet, took off his heavy garment and covered her shivering body with it. She stopped questioning again; because his cloak like garment soothed her betrayed heart. He asked her to sit near the fire and started cleaning her house with a wooden broom. While cleaning and arranging things he started speaking “Do you know the insane lady, your life is a deposit of someone, your soul is also a property of Supreme Being, but you are destroying yourself. This thing would never please the Lord”

He was talking to her, but she was tired. Her soul lost somewhere in the fog of dismay but after sometime her eyes got dry and diamonds disappeared from her eyes. “You are like a tree”... now he was dusting her bed and couch... “a tree that develops from a seed and passes through different stages and different seasons, but somehow keeps itself alive... it depends on you whether you choose to live like a green tree or a tree with deserted lethal branches”; while addressing these words, he moved into the kitchen, but she can still watch his back he was searching for something.

After some time her room appeared to be ventilated; sunbeam was entering into the room in the form of the ray; he had tied all the curtains with a ribbon. He reappeared from a door of lounge with an apple in his hand; he gave it to her and with a gesture of his eye ordered her to eat. She started eating the apple without arguing with him as his presence made her feel relaxed.

While she was eating an apple, he started speaking with his shivering voice “Listen, girl! Throw out all your worries or handover them to the Lord and He can handle them best. Forget all and remember these things are all temporary; if someone hurt you forgive them; when life is a deception then why not people are? Mind it! Never let your inner light to be dim. What's made for you will always be yours”... He stopped here... She was looking at him with an adorable smile on her face.

He started unmingled her hair with his bare fingers and tied them in a braid. Her mind was all relaxed. He continued “if no one gives you happiness; behind happiness yourself for those who need a smile, oh! He exclaimed, “Now it's time to go, but I will be back to see how much blossom will be the tree I watered today”. Then he handed over a bottle of fragrance containing extracts of different owers. “Do use this perfume it will freshen your mind!”

As he turned! She stopped him and offered him a grey shawl which was an old hereditary thing. But the man refused to take it and said. “Love demands nothing in return” and vanished away somewhere in the misty dark night. She got the answer of her very first question.

Syeda Sadia Azhar
University Of Wah

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