Saturday, March 16, 2019

English Articles About Life Challenges And Passion For Magazine


I believe that everyone has challenges to overcome in his life everyday. We know that life is not a piece of cake, it is full of challenges. Challenges make us strong and without them our life is meaningless, as without hard times we won't be able to know the importance of good times.

Focusing up to challenges and living through them give us the experience that make up our lives. If we want our lives to be effective we must orient ourselves toward the reality and face the problems instead of avoiding them. What once frightened now feels familiar and then life become more manageable.
The Buddha taught us that the secret of life is to want what you have and to not want what you don't have. There is freedom of taking life as it comes to us the good with the bad, the love with the loss and the life with the death. When we embrace it, life becomes easier. When we surrender to the reality of who we are, we give ourselves a chance to do what we can do.

Recognizing good and receiving it with gratitude is a recipe of emotional health and well facing the challenges we must count our blessings instead of our troubles and problems. The change in perspective can make all the difference. Accept success and failure as part of life's journey. We all are learning, no one gets it right every time. We learn through our experiences. A more compassionate attitude towards ourselves only helps us to stay in the game. The dynamic process of life-trying, succeeding, failures and trying again- is the only way to develop lasting condence in ourselves.

Civil 2nd Semester
Wah Engineering College


                    SCREW FINDING YOUR PASSION

Remember back when you were kids; you would just do things. You never thought to yourself whether I should be doing this or not! You built sand castles, looked for bugs and dug up grass. Nobody told you to do things, you just did. It was merely your excitement and curiosity of knowing things and you know what the beautiful thing was? If you hated something you would not do that without even thinking of what would anyone think. There was no guilt involved, there were just two things, YOU EITHER LIKED SOMETHING OR YOU DID NOT. Most importantly what I want you people to consider is that "Not-knowing" is the whole damn point. Life is all about not knowing and then doing something anyway. All of life is like this.

The point where frailty lies is that people ask, "How to find their Passion?" I call it total nonsense, you already found your passion, you're just ignoring it. If you love doing something and by something it can be anything, that is where your passion lies. Like seriously you're awake 16 hrs at least a day, what do you do with your time? You're doing something obviously. There definitely is some topic or activity that dominates your free time and it dominates it without you consciously pursuing it or looking for it.

The problem isn't passion it's just priorities. A child walking into the playground doesn't ask himself, "How do I find fun?" He just goes and has fun. If you have to look for what you enjoy in life, then you're not going to enjoy it anyway.

Syeda Ridda Zainab
Civil 2nd Semester
Wah Engineering College

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