Saturday, March 16, 2019

English Articles For Magazine


                         CONTENTMENT IS CRUCIAL

Most of us tend to believe that success lies in being famous rich and having fancy stuff. We believe to nd success in the things which we lack.Looking at some persons social media proles we start to feel that they might have a perfect life. It has become so natural for us to start comparing how our life seems now, to how someone's life is, it might leave us in dismay. Denition of success is denition by everyone' but almost everyone's denition of success is the absence of things, the things which they lack whether it is happiness, money or anything else.

As a matter of fact, if you have even a single such thing which you once dreamt of, you are successful. Despite having tough days in life, you are willing to keep going, you are successful, its good to keep struggling, trying to achieve better stuff, but besides this keep believing that gratitude is the key point to happiness, along with self-satisfaction. 

By looking at the present times, It can be said that almost everyone is ghting a battle inside him, but if he does not give up and keep moving, this is real winning and the true spirit of success. If you start to compare yourself with others you might never get self-satisfaction. Your tough job might be the dream of an unemployed and your climb might be an illusion. Stop focusing on what your lack every time instead be grateful. Grasp the idea of being happy with the things that you own and not to put yourself into despair for things that you don't have.


There are people who have always something negative to say. They deate people from about being themselves. It is very common yet so unsettling. But as a matter of fact, if a person keeps him closed in a house, he will have to confront zero hate, zero negativity, as he does not even exist in people eyes. He is not doing something valuable so his presence doesn't make a difference. On the other hand, when you are doing great things in life, other people seem to be threatened by your courage and boldness.

The only way they know is to attack you. Always remember only those people are attacked who must have an element of greatness within themselves. Hate is common when you are going in the right direction. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful just because you don't match their manipulated idea of beauty. Be kind to yourself you are beautiful. You have just been made to believe that you are not. Keep moving, discovering reasons behind peoples hate is not your responsibility. All you can do is to carry on the evolving process and to be a better version of yourself and keep uninvolved in “others” battles that they are ghting within themselves.

                          TIME STOPS FOR NO ONE

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock
Once it gone will never knock

Ah! The time, I often ponder while sitting on the curb, watching people come and go. I have seen People chatting, people confused, tensed, curious and jolly ones. It reminds me of the fact, that clock is always ticking. It never stops. Faces change, voices change yet time stops for none. It goes on. 

I frequently think about a fact that everything in this world can be purchased except time. Time is equal for rich and poor, for weak and strong. It offers opportunities to everyone, but the number of opportunities are not the same for everyone although the magnitude is always the same. The timing of time is different; it changes spontaneously. Time generates memories. Time helps us to meet our loved ones, but sometimes it is the time that separates us. It also helps us to live this life without our loved ones, with whom we share the best of our time. It can deprive us of everything but can also give us the courage to compromise and to move on.
 It tries to make us oblivious but after some time it makes us helpless in front of deep and beautiful memories. Time is life; the one who respects it earns the respect. The people who succeed in this world are those who utilize their time effectively and in a proper manner. At the end of the day, they are the ones who are successful and victorious. 

For me time is memory. I want it to slow down, to crawl and not to run. I want it to help me live each and every moment. I don't want it to pass swiftly. I want to live it. I always desire to confine myself in a life where responsibilities are less, where nothing is harsh, just me, my friends, my family and time.


When I was a child I was being given example of having faith in Allah by telling a story of a man and a religious preacher. Once a man had to cross a river and the religious preacher advised him to recite Bismillah while crossing the river. The man who hand and foot believed in Allah acted upon his advice and crossed the river without any harm. The religious scholar who was lacking faith in his own beliefs got confounded. He decided to practice this but was not sure from inside so he tied himself from a tree with a big rope and began to cross the river while reciting Bismillah. His doubted faith in Allah led towards his end and he was drowned in the river.
 Even after so many years whenever I see people lacking faith in Allah and strengthening their superstitions I am reminded of this story. Today's man has become a thrall of his own words. Apparently, he flaunts about his undeniable faith in Allah but when he is into hard times he instead of bowing before Allah starts panicking and bows before shrines of people who themselves are bound to Allah's mercy. This attitude of today's man is leading him towards his desolation. Most of the people quote the words of a famous writer Paulo Coelho “And, when you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”, (The Alchemist).

I felt that these lines lead us towards a strong connection with Allah that if we completely believe in Him, He will give us what we desire or struggle for. Today's man should try to come out of the shell of superstition and make his soul believe in the greatness of Allah.


It was 7:20 pm; when she was weeping and howling with her head lying on her knees; her hair tangled like a spider's web tons of dust topped over the surroundings; her pale yellow face was exposed out of dusty locks of hair. Her body was hardly covered with tattered clothes like threads hanging on an old tree near a forgotten shrine; whereas small circumference diamond drops were sparkling in her eyes. In a hushed room enveloped by blackness and obscurity, she appeared like a sobbing statue in an old museum.

Someone knocked on the door; the knock was so affable that it seemed the door itself was saying:- “Darling! Let me be opened”. Her broken asthmatic breath stabilized. She got up, moved towards the door and opened it without hesitation. A grey, mature, fragile but a skillful man with enlightened eyes was standing in front of her. She asked a question “Who are you?” but instead of replying her he entered into her house without allowance. She again repeated her question. This time he remained quiet, took off his heavy garment and covered her shivering body with it. She stopped questioning again; because his cloak like garment soothed her betrayed heart. He asked her to sit near the fire and started cleaning her house with a wooden broom. While cleaning and arranging things he started speaking “Do you know the insane lady, your life is a deposit of someone, your soul is also a property of Supreme Being, but you are destroying yourself. This thing would never please the Lord”

He was talking to her, but she was tired. Her soul lost somewhere in the fog of dismay but after sometime her eyes got dry and diamonds disappeared from her eyes. “You are like a tree”... now he was dusting her bed and couch... “a tree that develops from a seed and passes through different stages and different seasons, but somehow keeps itself alive... it depends on you whether you choose to live like a green tree or a tree with deserted lethal branches”; while addressing these words, he moved into the kitchen, but she can still watch his back he was searching for something.

After some time her room appeared to be ventilated; sunbeam was entering into the room in the form of the ray; he had tied all the curtains with a ribbon. He reappeared from a door of lounge with an apple in his hand; he gave it to her and with a gesture of his eye ordered her to eat. She started eating the apple without arguing with him as his presence made her feel relaxed.

While she was eating an apple, he started speaking with his shivering voice “Listen, girl! Throw out all your worries or handover them to the Lord and He can handle them best. Forget all and remember these things are all temporary; if someone hurt you forgive them; when life is a deception then why not people are? Mind it! Never let your inner light to be dim. What's made for you will always be yours”... He stopped here... She was looking at him with an adorable smile on her face.

He started unmingled her hair with his bare fingers and tied them in a braid. Her mind was all relaxed. He continued “if no one gives you happiness; behind happiness yourself for those who need a smile, oh! He exclaimed, “Now it's time to go, but I will be back to see how much blossom will be the tree I watered today”. Then he handed over a bottle of fragrance containing extracts of different owers. “Do use this perfume it will freshen your mind!”

As he turned! She stopped him and offered him a grey shawl which was an old hereditary thing. But the man refused to take it and said. “Love demands nothing in return” and vanished away somewhere in the misty dark night. She got the answer of her very first question.


Dear Diary!

I don't understand the purpose of it all. Why do I have to labor intensively just to find a stable job and happiness in this world? Why do some people get it so easy and why are others born into it? It only fuels my belief that the world is run by a chosen few, who cast their moves and mess their wealth, while we remain a slave to their system. We respect others' rules and fight others' wars: perhaps we are dumb and brainwashed. All our lives or may just cowards, too afraid to question this system sent by the gods. I would love to meet these gods someday so, I can look into their empty eyes and their cold hearts.

How fascinating it sounds HOMO SAPIENS: born from a womb, told of his promise to the gods to obey the system and never question, to be happy with what little is given, for somewhere just destined to have more! He is sent to school, to college, to university, to work, to produce more workers for this divine plan, to place them in the same rigid system and leave! Dear diary, I find my society hypocritical. They think it is apt to disapprove or even ridicule the LGBTQ community, and many minorities for that matter, but when in retaliation, I express my disapproval of their beliefs, they are offended. Does freedom to ridicule another person's personality and beliefs only rest with you?

What honor society? A hypocrite has no honor!
Dear diary. I fear I am a hypocrite too......

                                A MESSEAGE OF PEACE

This beautiful world is created by Allah who Himself is beautiful. Allah Almighty has blessed this world with the gift of life. Life is usually said to be the color of spring and the rhythm of poetry but unfortunately, this beautiful world is challenged with dreadful wars.

Every heart is restless, every eye is filled with tears, and even little angels ask questions: Oh God!Why on earth there are wars and why the human blood oozes out profusely? Eye cannot see any corner of the earth where there is peace. Hundreds of Muslims died in the Afghan war, people of Palestine are being oppressed by Israeli troops and Kashmir is bleeding due to the cruelty of Indian soldiers and the Indian Muslims are victimized in communal fights.

Had the garden of the world decorated and groomed to become a dreadful beast? Was it made for the explosion of bombs and missiles? No, never, not at all. We instead of raising the heaps of human skulls should raise the tower based on the service of mankind. We want to sing the song of happiness instead of war.


I believe that everyone has challenges to overcome in his life everyday. We know that life is not a piece of cake, it is full of challenges. Challenges make us strong and without them our life is meaningless, as without hard times we won't be able to know the importance of good times.

Focusing up to challenges and living through them give us the experience that make up our lives. If we want our lives to be effective we must orient ourselves toward the reality and face the problems instead of avoiding them. What once frightened now feels familiar and then life become more manageable.
The Buddha taught us that the secret of life is to want what you have and to not want what you don't have. There is freedom of taking life as it comes to us the good with the bad, the love with the loss and the life with the death. When we embrace it, life becomes easier. When we surrender to the reality of who we are, we give ourselves a chance to do what we can do.

Recognizing good and receiving it with gratitude is a recipe of emotional health and well facing the challenges we must count our blessings instead of our troubles and problems. The change in perspective can make all the difference. Accept success and failure as part of life's journey. We all are learning, no one gets it right every time. We learn through our experiences. A more compassionate attitude towards ourselves only helps us to stay in the game. The dynamic process of life-trying, succeeding, failures and trying again- is the only way to develop lasting condence in ourselves.


                    SCREW FINDING YOUR PASSION

Remember back when you were kids; you would just do things. You never thought to yourself whether I should be doing this or not! You built sand castles, looked for bugs and dug up grass. Nobody told you to do things, you just did. It was merely your excitement and curiosity of knowing things and you know what the beautiful thing was? If you hated something you would not do that without even thinking of what would anyone think. There was no guilt involved, there were just two things, YOU EITHER LIKED SOMETHING OR YOU DID NOT. Most importantly what I want you people to consider is that "Not-knowing" is the whole damn point. Life is all about not knowing and then doing something anyway. All of life is like this.

The point where frailty lies is that people ask, "How to nd their Passion?" I call it total nonsense, you already found your passion, you're just ignoring it. If you love doing something and by something it can be anything, that is where your passion lies. Like seriously you're awake 16 hrs at least a day, what do you do with your time? You're doing something obviously. There denitely is some topic or activity that dominates your free time and it dominates it without you consciously pursuing it or looking for it.

The problem isn't passion it's just priorities. A child walking into the playground doesn't ask himself, "How do I nd fun?" He just goes and has fun. If you have to look for what you enjoy in life, then you're not going to enjoy it anyway.

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