Top 10 Dumbest Goku Moments In Dragon Ball Z
Today, we’re powering up and heading back into the Multiverse, as we take a look at the 10 Dumbest
Goku Moments in dragon ball z. You wouldn’t be far wrong if you thought the Dragon Ball Saga was nothing more than the
Goku show - everyone’s favorite super Saiyan, and one of the most recognizable and iconic characters in the Dragon Ball Multiverse. He’s an obvious favorite of series creator Akira Toriyama and in a nutshell,
Goku always comes out on top. However, that doesn’t mean that his decisions always make sense. In fact, in most cases, it’s quite the opposite. A lot of fans of dragon ball Z are familiar with the Goku's best moments in DBZ or top 10 most popular Goku moments or you might have heard about the
dragon goku but you might have not seen the Goku's dumbest moments. So let's take a look at the Top 10 Dumbest
Goku Moments in dragon ball z.
Throughout the series, Goku’s faced off against some pretty serious adversaries Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and despite this, he still has a pretty terrible habit of giving a second chance to those that in no way deserve one. Take the first major villain of Dragon Ball Z as an example his own evil, demented older brother Raditz who throughout the Raditz Saga, sought
Goku to join him so they could blow up some planets together. You know, brotherly bonding. Well at the climax of this epic struggle,
Goku had his evil brother right where he wanted him grabbing hold of his tail as Piccolo charged up his Special Beam Cannon to finish him off. But yeah,
Goku fell victim to his soft side and let Raditz go, Leaving the only possible solution for Piccolo to blow the both of them up ultimately killing Raditz, but also
Goku. Yeah, he pretty much killed himself.
Talking of killing himself - Goku has a repeated habit of putting those that he loves in danger, too. Despite his many shortcomings - Goku is unrivaled in one area, where he excels like no other. It’s in his training. Whatever obstacle lies ahead - nothing is out of reach of
Goku, with just a level-headed plan and a high work ethic, he can overcome any odds. You think that’d make him a pretty good partner to train with, right? Wrong. In preparation for the Cell Games
Goku was in a bit of a pickle and needed a way to get ahead before the big battle to save Earth. He was running out of options when he came up with the bright idea of firing a super-powerful Kamehameha - right in the direction of his own flesh and blood, his son Gohan. I mean sure - it ended up working, and Gohan reached Super Saiyan for the first time. But, like - what if it didn’t? Imagine trying to explain that to Chi-Chi.
Alongside his myriad of incredibly powerful skills and abilities that he’s obtained over the years, most of them pale in comparison - by pure overpowered use alone - to the Instant Transmission. Remix to ignition - the Instant Transmission allows
Goku to instantly teleport to any possible location in the universe that he resides in - as long as he has an energy source to lock on to. Despite this Goku rarely uses Instant Transmission nearly as well as he could. After the destruction of planet Namek -
Goku and Frieza are on their way back to Earth, hurtling through the universe in space pods. And instead of simply - you know - teleporting himself back to Earth in an instant, he purposely lets Frieza arrive first - because he - sensed that there was the powerful presence of a good person already there AKA Trunks. What?
Goku just straight up left Earth’s safety in the hands of a complete stranger. On top of that - during the Cell Saga, instead of Goku instantly teleporting a time-bomb Cell away from Earth, he decided to take a prolonged soliloquy to explain his plan in detail, leaving it to the very last second before teleporting Cell away and blowing up King Kai’s planet. Instead of blowing hot air, he could’ve teleported everyone else back to safety.
. If there’s one good thing about having Trunks, the time-traveling sword-wielding badass who seems to be the only competent character in the saga, is that he can pop up at an opportune moment and warn you about whatever’s looming its head in the future. For
Goku, it was a heart virus that was destined to kill him. Luckily for him though, Trunks had the vaccine and happily gave it to save his life. But
Goku just completely forgot to take the medicine that would save his life from an inevitable heart virus. So of course - it comes to pass in the Android Saga that wouldn’t you know it
Goku gets afflicted by the deadly space virus heart malady that Trunks warned him about. Goku nearly dies before Gohan conveniently reminds him about the vaccine. Will he ever learn?
We know that
Goku has a track record of being merciful to the big bad guys - but in this instance, he takes it to a whole new level. During the Cell Games, Goku trains with Gohan extensively and he soon realized that the only potential of defeating Cell was through Gohan. As he sparrs Cell, he soon realizes that Gohan is the only option - and decides to tag out so his son can finish the job. Not before giving Cell a Senzu Bean though. For what reason? Hell, I don’t even think
Goku knew. The Senzu Beans are capable of restoring a huge amount of stamina and energy to whoever consumes them often used by the Z Fighters as a little pick me up during battle. He knew Gohan would ultimately win, but like the whole fate of the entire planet was on the line and his son got pummeled repeatedly in the face, and caught a heck of a beating before he finally got angry enough to do something about it.
Out of all the catastrophic events that occurred through the series, the events of the Cell Saga were probably the most avoidable of them all for the Z Fighters. Why? Well - Trunks kind of already came back in time to warn them all about the big bad Dr. Gero and his androids - long before they even had time worry about the impending disaster. I mean that’s a hell of a heads up, so why didn’t
Goku and the gang just track down this mad Dr. Gero and stop him in the process. Well of course that’s what a sane, rational person would do. But not
Goku. He’ll just put the lives of everyone he loves at risk, just so he can train and fight the big, impending battle. Well we know how that ended up, don’t we?
Goku is pretty baffling when it comes to the choices he makes. But by far, the most perplexing are his actions when facing off against Majin Vegeta, under the servitude of Babidi. It’s pretty tense, with
Goku racing against the clock to prevent the evil Majin Buu from being reborn. Well - we find out later that Goku was just taking it easy during his battle with Majin Vegeta, holding back and dragging it out unnecessarily - why? So Vegeta would sacrifice his own life in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy Majin Buu.. Make sense? Well later on we also see
Goku facing Buu himself - where the insanely epic Super Saiyan 3 occurs. But - the hype kind of dies off, and
Goku just fights with Majin Buu for a bit, before peacing out and saying there’s a stronger warrior on the way. A fusion between Goten and Trunks which wasn’t even ready at that point. Make sense? Yeah… I thought not.
You’ll sense a pattern here and
Goku isn’t exactly everyone’s favorite family man. Why? Well - at the very end of the DBZ series 10 years after the defeat of Kid Buu - the world knows some relative peace, and
Goku eventually ends up in a chance meeting with a young boy named Uub. Well ! it turns out that he’s the charming, good-natured reincarnation of the very same pink skinned villain Majin Buu. What does
Goku do? Well, he realizes this fact and immediately offers to train the kid, flying off to some unknown location - and leaving his entire family and group of friends behind. Without even a postcard. Knowing
Goku, he likely spent years training with Uub, just so he could be strong enough for an entertaining match.
Goku kind of needs to chill out. He popped out for a pack of cigarettes and was never seen again.
Despite being great at not saying goodbye -
Goku is also great at giving his arch enemies second chances. So good in fact, that it’s third, fourth and fifth chances at this point. And there’s no one deserving enough of Goku’s good graces, than the greatest planet-destroying, the race-eradicating villain in the entire series - Frieza. And apparently, that fact can kind of go unnoticed by
Goku. Take their battle on Namek where Goku finally beats Frieza into submission. Oh - bare in mind he’s also killed Goku’s best friend and thousands of innocent people at this point but yeah,
Goku decides he’ll give him a second chance to escape. Even after Frieza accidently chops himself in half
Goku still doesn’t get the universe’s memo and gives the villain some of his energy, pats him on the head and lets him be on his way.

I mean - this kind of already goes without saying at this point. Yeah, while Chi-Chi may have been too soft on Gohan over the years, Goku wasn’t even on the same planet when it came to co-parenting. Literally. Goku’s track record as a father could take up a whole CPS report of childhood neglect, and while yeah - the show isn’t called Dragon Ball Fatherhood - he could’ve at least tried. When Goku learns Instant Transmission on a distant, alien world where he can teleport to any place in the universe - instead of rushing home to give his family a little what's up, missed you guys. Nope instead, he takes a slow as hell spaceship home. Also he just chooses to stay dead after the Cell Games, with ample options to return to the land of the living - and thus, completely misses the first seven years of his own son Goten’s life. Goku is pretty much a terrible father and on that note, unintentional father of the year goes to Piccolo. At least he was around to teach Gohan some basic emotional and social skills.
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